This weekend my mom payed a visit. YAY! I miss her so much, but between work and advancing on my thesis I don't have many weekends to spare to go visit her, so occasionally she'll come visit me and knit while I type away hehehe. She's a master chef, and back when I used to live at home kept me constantly stuffed with amazing brownies, cake, cookies and an assortment of sweets (and you wonder why I'm fat...)
My mother hates pictures. This is her protest face. |
So, with her visit I got inspired to do a little cooking and try out some recipes I found over at Pinterest. Sure, I didn't whip up an entire buffet like she used to do, but it's something right? I found this amazing recipe that yields breakfast for days, full of yummy-ness but without the unhealthy carbs and fats that usually accompany yummy-ness (I think yummy-ness will be my new word).
It's an
overnight, no cook, refrigerator oatmeal, or as I like to call it,
Health and Flavor in a Jar. Which is pretty much what you get when you mix oatmeal, almond milk, low fat yogurt and fruit in a jar. The original recipe is over at Monica's
The Yummy Life blog, and she has six different, kickass flavors so you should go check it out and try them all out! (PLUS, she has these pretty images that you can fawn over!)
I modified the recipe a bit because for the life of me, I cannot find greek yogurt in any Mexican supermarket (and I am not brave enough to try straining regular yogurt to make it greek yogurt), and also because almond milk is my newest find and I was anxious to try it out!! So I'm posting the modified version of Monica's recipe, in the three flavors I chose. Oh and because I am too lazy, I didn't really measure anything, so all the ingredients were pretty much eyeballed. So kill me.
As for the jars, I happen to have a tree-hugger for a roommate, and he INSISTS on us reusing all the empty jars and containers I would normally discard, so I happen to have a kitchen cupboard full of clean jars of all sizes. So I took three medium-sized ones and they ended up being the perfect serving size!
Health and Flavor in a Jar
Chocolate-banana version
1 medium-sized jar (I used an empty jar of Smuckers)
1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed
Almond milk
1 ripe banana
1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa
1/2 tablespoon of honey (optional, I like things extra sweet)
The first thing you should do is fill about 1/3 of the jar with oatmeal, and then add enough almond milk and yogurt to fill a little over 1/2 the jar. Then add the ground flaxseed and the cocoa, and shake to mix well. Then add the banana in slices and the honey, and again shake to mix it all up.
Today's breakfast disappeared IN A FLASH. Yes, it was THAT good. |
Raspberry version
1 medium-sized jar (I used an empty jar of Hellman's mayo)
1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed
Almond milk
Around 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon of unsweetened raspberry jam (I used Smuckers; me and Smuckers jam have an ongoing thing you know)
1/2 tablespoon of honey (optional, I like things extra sweet)
The first thing you should do is fill about 1/3 of the jar with oatmeal, and then add enough almond milk and yogurt to fill a little over 1/2 the jar. Then add the ground flaxseed and the jam, and shake to mix well. Then add the raspberries (I sliced them in half) and the honey, and again shake to mix it all up.
Apple &Cinnamon version
(modified from The Yummy Life's refrigerated oatmeal recipe)
1 medium-sized jar (I used an empty jar of Smuckers)
1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed
Almond milk
1/2 apple
2/3 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon of honey (optional, I like things extra sweet)
The first thing you should do is fill about 1/3 of the jar with oatmeal, and then add enough almond milk and yogurt to fill a little over 1/2 the jar. Then add the ground flaxseed and the cinnamon, and shake to mix well. Then add the apple (I sliced it into cubes) and the honey, and again shake to mix it all up.
AAAAAAND ENJOY!!! Trust me, they are every bit as delish as they sound, perhaps even more so! Today I had the chocolate-banana one (I ate it first because banana doesn't really hold very well for many days) and honestly, it was such an amazing breakfast I felt like I was cheating, but I wasn't!! Each of these babies has around 200-240 calories, and are full of nutrients. So YOU'RE WELCOME!! Now go and "cheat" :)