Tuesday, August 21, 2012

these are my confessions

Owning up time. 

I stepped on that scale yesterday, and low and behold, the number blinking up at me wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I'm at 71.8 kgs., which is more than last week, but I'm still down from 72, so I can still hope to reach the sixties by the end of this month. Just maybe. 

And yesterday night I killed it at the gym, where I did half an hour of a paced walk at the treadmill and then 45 minutes of crazy-intense elliptical machine, and then my regular 100 ab crunches, so this week is off to a good start!!!

This is me at 71.8 kgs. That muffin top is one stubborn bastard, and refuses to quit. Although it seems like my thighs are beginning to give up: do they seem a tad smaller to you? Or is it just my hallucinations?

 Eck, I hate looking at myself in those pictures. Especially when my cheeks are so puffy, and it seems like I have a dimple on one side of my face. But it's not an actual dimple, it's just my cheek doing what it can with all the extra layers of fat.

It has been rather chilly these past few days, hence all the  layers of clothes.

And on the left you have today's work outfit. I don't like how this top looks with a sweater on (correction: I don't like how I look in this top when I put on a sweater too) but it's been raining nonstop since last week, and my office feels like the inside of a walk-in freezer. If you don't carry around a sweater, an extra coat and a scarf, you could end up with hypothermia. I am not even kidding. Oh and just ignore the hair, I'm having a bad hair day month, as a result of postponing a much needed haircut. 

My babies

I simply couldn't resist posting a picture of my babies. They are the newest addition to my wardrobe, and it was love at first sight. They hate feet and at the end I feel like I'm walking on glass, but it's worth it!!! Having these beauties on makes me feel like I'm walking the runway of a fashion show, and they make my legs look so much longer and thinner. Don't you just love heels? I know they are terrible for your spine and posture and end up messing your feet, but honestly, screw the side effects, we're all eventually going to suffer from something or the other. Let's take advantage of our young bodies while we still can. 

Anyone have a favorite pair of heels that makes them feel like royalty?


  1. Love the heels. Great job this week. These little changes will make a huge difference in time, I already can see some changes.

  2. Love those shoes! And I admire your dedication. I've been trying to get back into being more consistent with my workouts and it's definitely hard, but you feel so much better when you stick with it.
